Request for Proposals: Artist-in-Residence With Vision Zero Los Angeles County

The Los Angeles County Department of Arts and Culture (Arts and Culture) is issuing a Request for Proposals (RFP) for a contract with an individual artist or artist team to serve as an Artist-in-Residence with the Vision Zero Los Angeles County initiative.

During this two-year residency, artist/artist team will provide the following as part of the Safe Streets and Roads for All FY22 – Florence Firestone Project (SS4A Project), to support the implementation of the Vision Zero Action Plan in the unincorporated County community of Florence-Firestone:

  • Arts-based, healing-informed community engagement around strategies for safer streets; and
  • Community-engaged temporary and/or permanent artworks as site interventions to enhance pedestrian safety, visibility, cultural equity, beautification, and spatial justice.

Programmatic activities to meet the following goals may include but are not limited to artistic interventions; artist-led and community-informed projects, workshops, and events; community engagement and participation; the identification or mapping of cultural and community assets; and design development, fabrication, and installation of temporary or permanent artworks:

  • Build awareness of and support for Vision Zero and traffic safety generally, either in coordination with or in complement to infrastructure improvements; and
  • Complement and enhance Public Health’s Vision Zero traffic safety education and programmatic activities.

Adopted in 2020 by the Board of Supervisors, the Vision Zero Los Angeles County: A Plan for Safer Roadways guides the County’s efforts on reducing traffic deaths and severe injuries on unincorporated County roadways. It sets goals and actions to enhance traffic safety in collaboration with agencies and community partners.

Deadline for Submissions: October 8, 2024 | 5PM (PST)
Optional Information Session: September 11, 2024 | 5PM (PST)


This optional virtual information session will be held for all interested Proposers. County staff will go over the requirements of the RFP, SurveyMonkey Apply platform, and respond to questions about the solicitation.

Email: to register and receive the Zoom link.

This session will be recorded and posted with the Addendum at a later date.


September 4 Call for Artists Release Date
September 9 | 4PM (PST)

Solicitation Requirements Review (SRR) Request Due

September 11 | 5PM (PST) Optional Virtual Information Session
September 13 | 5PM (PST) Written Questions About This Call for Artists Due to Arts and Culture
September 24 Arts and Culture Publishes Answers to Questions
October 8 | 5PM (PST) Deadline for Submissions
October 9 - December 13 Artist Selection and Contracting
December 16 Creative Strategist Residency Begins

Learn More & Apply

Full Details

View and download a PDF of the full details for this opportunity.

Apply Now

Submit your proposal now via SurveyMonkey Apply

Vision Zero

Learn more about LA County’s Vision Zero Action Plan.

Addendum No.1

View the recording of the optional information session that was held on September 11, 2024 via Zoom. 


Addendum No. 2

View the answers to questions submitted for this Request for Proposals. 


All contact regarding this Request for Proposals (RFP) must be directed in writing and may be emailed to Jacqueline Pimentel, Cross Sector Associate at: