
group of children and adults standing in front of a Mural of a black woman dressed as rosie the riveter
Annual Report for the LA County Department of Arts an Culture activities that range the 2023-24 fiscal year.
Arts and Health Week
This Weeklong Celebration Includes Offsite Events Throughout LA County, Featuring the June 15 Arts and Health Summit from LA Opera and the Department of Arts and Culture.
KCET Debut 'ArtBound
The Los Angeles County Arts Education Collective, coordinated by the Department of Arts and Culture, and KCET have joined forces to create a new documentary that explores the value of arts education for the youth, communities, and creative economy of LA County.
An Update on Arts and Cultures efforts further diversity, equity, and inclusion through out our work.
New Reentry Center Integrates Art and Culture
On June 28, 2019, LA County opened a "first-of-its-kind Reentry Center" at 3965 South Vermont Avenue. The center aims to reflect a new but proven approach to making justice more restorative and humane while keeping our communities safe, according to LA County Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas.
Fort Moore Pioneer Memorial Re-Dedication Ceremony
The re-dedication ceremony for the Fort Moore Pioneer Memorial took place in downtown Los Angeles on July 3, 2019—the 51st anniversary of the original dedication.
Los Angeles County Arts Commission Transitions to First Official Los Angeles County Department of Arts and Culture Local Agency Advances Arts, Culture, and Creativity for the People of LA County
Poems And Poets to Descend on Michillinda Park
Readings Celebrates New Civic Artwork in the Park
Building on the success and excitement surrounding LA’s first-ever Arts Datathon in 2017, the LA County Arts Commission presents Arts Datathon: Collections, which aims to explore collections data as a way to increase access to the arts. This event brings together artists, curators, civic hackers, educators and arts administrators from across the region to explore collections data on topics from military memorabilia to street art.