The mission of the Los Angeles County Department of Arts and Culture is to advance arts, culture, and creativity throughout LA County. We fulfill our mission by providing services and support in areas including grants and technical assistance for nonprofit organizations; professional development opportunities; commissioning civic artworks and managing the County’s civic art collection; implementing countywide arts education initiatives; research and evaluation; career pathways in the creative economy; free community programs; and cross sector creative strategies that address civic issues. This work is framed by the County’s Cultural Equity and Inclusion Initiative and a longstanding commitment to fostering access to the arts.
- To be considered for an Open Competitive job opportunity, applicants must submit an online application during the respective application filing period.
- The Departmental exam analyst will review all online applications received during the application filing period, and determine which applicants meet the Minimum/Selection Requirements as indicated in the job bulletin.
- If an applicant meets the requirements, they will be invited to take assessments that measure job-related competencies. Typical assessments are written tests, performance tests, interviews, and/or evaluation of experience and training.
- Examination scores will be assigned based on individual exam component results using a standardized scoring rubric.
- Final Results notices, with status information for individual exams (e.g., did not meet requirements, met requirements and assigned a final score, etc.), will be sent to each applicant via email or U.S. Mail.
- Successful candidates will be placed on the respective Certification List based on individual final numeric score, in accordance with Civil Service Rules on grouping/banding.
- Unless otherwise indicated in the job bulletin, candidates will remain on the Certification List for 12 months. Candidates can also participate in other County exam processes or apply for other positions in the County while on a Certification List.
- As vacancies for position(s) are identified, the Department will consider the candidates on the respective eligible list, based on group/band order.
- Candidates may be contacted with an invitation to participate in the selection interview process.
- Positions may be assigned within any division in the Department, based on the vacancy and operational needs.
- When the Certification List expires for a specific classification/exam, interested applicants must reapply to be considered for future employment opportunities.
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