Creative Career Pathways for Youth

If young people are to contribute to LA County's creative economy, they must have access to information and learning opportunities that prepare them for success in creative careers. 

Creative Career Pathways for Youth (CCPY) emerged out of the Cultural Equity and Inclusion Initiative (CEII). Its purpose is to develop pathways that prepare youth for careers in the arts and creative industries, including work-based learning and leadership opportunities. The program focuses on ensuring access to the creative economy for youth of color; youth who are LGBTQ+, disabled, on probation, and/or from low-income households; current and former foster youth; as well as other youth who experience barriers to participation in the workforce. 


According to the June 2024 Otis College Report on the Creative Economy, coming on the heels of continued recovery from the pandemic and 2023 union strikes, the creative economy in California “remains an indispensable employer – accounting for around one in ten jobs – and is a source of well-paying jobs, paying more than double the wages in the rest of the state’s economy.” Otis defines the creative economy as a set of industries with activities that include advertising, architecture, fashion, book publishing, newspapers/magazines, video gaming, movies, music, the performing arts, radio, TV, and visual arts. 

To develop the skills that lead to these jobs and careers, youth in LA County need access to information, learning, opportunities, and support systems that lower barriers to entry. 

In 2019, the Department of Arts and Culture released “Building Creative Career Pathways for Youth: A Field Scan for Los Angeles County,” which identified barriers, challenges, and opportunities, as well as recommendations for improving access to creative careers for systems-impacted and historically precluded youth. Since the Field Scan’s publishing, and in partnership with key stakeholders across the region and state, Arts and Culture has been working to address those key barriers and act on the recommendations.  

Learn More


Explore this field scan for LA County, published in April 2019, which summarizes what we know about existing career opportunities and pathways to the creative industries for youth who experience barriers to employment.


This online resource introduces young people to a variety of creative careers and provides information about what is needed to land their first job. It features diverse professionals who speak frankly about how to succeed and identifies steps for pursuing high-growth creative careers.

  • Post your programs: Share ongoing programs and opportunities for young people and community organizations that serve youth.
  • Post your news and events: Share upcoming creative career events, resources, and more for young people and community organizations that serve youth.

A community-based media arts workforce training program that connects youth to creative career advisors, comprehensive case management, wraparound services, stipends, certifications, career readiness practices, and work-based learning.


Explore more LA County resources and opportunities for young people interested in careers in the arts and creative economy.