In 2023, LA County Department of Arts and Culture engaged with SMU DataArts for the third time to administer a workforce study analyzing the demographic makeup of the arts and cultural workforce in LA County. Thanks to the participation of nearly 3,000 individuals across over 200 arts and cultural organizations in Los Angeles County, we learned there has been a significant shift toward greater racial and ethnic diversity since 2019, particularly at the leadership level, though we also found room for improvement. The study identifies opportunities for fostering inclusion among the more racially diverse younger generation of workers and promoting professional development pathways for groups less represented in roles with power.
Join us for an interactive conversation around this new data on the workforce demographics and inclusion perceptions of the arts and culture workforce across Los Angeles County. This webinar will include a brief presentation of new local research, a moderated panel discussion, and breakout group discussions focused on activating these insights for change among all participants.
Moderator, Presenter, & Panelists:
- Kristin Sakoda, Director, Los Angeles County Department of Arts & Culture (Moderator)
- Jen Benoit-Bryan, Research Director, SMU DataArts
- Elida Ledesma, Executive Director, Arts for Healing and Justice Network
- Sue Bell Yank, Executive Director, Clockshop
- Larry Laboe, Executive Director, NewFilmmakers Los Angeles
- Shelby Williams-González, CEO + President, Inner-City Arts