This page will be periodically updated as new questions come in.
It’s not necessary to use two applications. Use one form to supply documentation for both types of activities.
No, the location of your office must be in LA County.
No, just withdraw the blank application or leave one blank, and it will be discarded.
Yes. We mention the California Arts Standards as a guide for how high quality, intentional, developmentally-appropriate arts instruction can look. While your curriculum does not have to be explicitly anchored in or designed around the California Arts Standards, we do recommend reviewing the standards, to see how your curriculum objectives align.
No. This round of RFQ submissions is only for organizations, not individual artists. We expect to broaden our criteria in future rounds.
No, only completed certificates are accepted.
The criteria for this round of RFQ applications specifies that the organization must have had tax exempt status for at least three years, so we are not able to accept applications from organizations that do not have 501( c )3 status. Please join our mailing list to receive notifications of opportunities for small community-based organizations.
Continuous from October 2016.
LA County Health and Trauma Care Facilities.
Please email for assistance.
Please email for assistance.