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Sunset Junction Street Fair, 1981, Photograph
During the 1970s, street gangs were attacking gays and lesbians in the Echo Park, Silver Lake and Los Feliz communities. After the first March on Washington for Gay Rights in 1979, individuals decided to use that experience to improve their own community; a street festival that would celebrate everyone, including the gangs, who were usually the first to be unwelcomed at community events. Individuals, groups, and agencies in the community created the Sunset Junction Street Fair in 1980, despite opposition from the police. For 30 years the fair showed the city that everyone is important and worthy of celebration.
A Queer United Front 1983, Photograph
The 1980s saw the emergence of gay and lesbian organizations by people of color in response to the discrimination received from gay white male organizations and businesses. Here at the 1983 Christopher Street West Gay Pride Parade, long-time gay and civil rights activist Morris Kight stands with members of Gay and Lesbian Latinos Unidos, Black and White Men Together, Black Gays and Lesbians, and Asian/Pacific Lesbians and Gay, and highly active groups throughout the 1990s.