Latino Theater Company - Technical Intern

514 S Spring Street Los Angeles California 90013

The Latino Theater Company is seeking a Technical Assistant Intern who is willing to work closely with the company on the development and rehearsal of its National Encuentro Festival in the Fall 2024 Season. The intern will work under the Technical Director to plan and execute events and programming through a 10-week period working 40 hours a week, starting in September and throughout November.


Excellent communication, writing, and organizational skills. Knowledge or experience in technical work is desirable but not required. Applicants must be committed, punctual, flexible, and reliable. They must know how to follow directions and be able to work well with others. Bilingual (English/Spanish) is not required but is helpful.


The Latino Theater Company was founded in 1985 with the goal to establish a theater company dedicated to contributing new stories and novel methods of expression for the American theater repertoire and to increase artistic opportunities for underserved communities. As the company has evolved, our role as the operator of the Los Angeles Theatre Center has become critical to our mission. As we continue to explore the U.S. Latinx experience in bold and contemporary terms, we program our Fall and Spring Seasons with work that speaks to important issues and highlights new voices within the Latinx, African American, Native American Asian American, Jewish American, and LGBTQ communities.

How to Apply

To apply, please email your resume and cover letter with "Technical Internship" in the subject line to Questions: Please email