(Above) "Two-Headed Dragon" by Benjamin Dominguez.
The Department of Arts and Culture has transitioned to a new online grants management system for applications, forms, and grants. Historical data prior to 2021, including materials and submission information, is not available in the new system. All new grant applications, reports, and forms moving forward will only be available via the new system, SM Apply.
Current Advancement Grant, OGP, CIAG, and Arts Internship grantees using the Fluid Review Grants system were sent an email requesting that grantees log in and submit user information into SMApply. Please contact grants@arts.lacounty.gov if you need us to resend this email.
Information about Opening/Updating your Account
New System: Survey Monkey Apply (https://apply-lacdac.smapply.io):
Current and recent grantees will be sent an email via the new system with a link to access the new account and the ability to update the information for the organization. NOTE: past historical data, applications, forms, and materials will not be transferred to the new system.
- The subject header of the email will be
Welcome to Los Angeles County Department of Arts and Culture.
- The email will come from
- In August, an email will be sent to the main user for your organization's current account in Fluid Review. Please be sure to review your user information in Fluid Review by July 31, 2020, to ensure that you receive the email at the appropriate email account. If you do not receive this email or are not able to access the link, you must contact grants staff by email to request assistance.
Grant History Download Instructions
Instructions for downloading your organization's past historical data, applications, forms, and materials from the existing system are viewable as a downloadable PDF.
View and download a step-by-step guide for how to obtain your grant history and materials from Fluid Review.