
A conductor dressed in all black stands at the center of the stage, facing a row of elementary students dressed in navy T-shirts and dark pants. The students are performing on violin, viola, cello and double bass while referencing sheet music from the stands in front of them.
This report summarizes the work of our network of school districts, nonprofit partners, County service providers, and arts advocates from the 2023-24 fiscal year.
group of children and adults standing in front of a Mural of a black woman dressed as rosie the riveter
The first-ever Annual Report for the LA County Department of Arts an Culture highlights activities and impacts from 2023-24.
AIP Report
In 2023, 228 positions were initially awarded to 157 organizations and of those, 224 positions at 155 organizations were successfully launched. An estimated 4,180 applications were received for these positions.
Creative Wellbeing
In its second evaluation of the Creative Wellbeing approach, Harder+Company Community Research found that young people who participated experienced positive social-emotional benefits while also exploring their interests, building technical art skills, and increasing their access to the arts. Adults who participated in the program are experiencing and embodying Creative Wellbeing values and healing themselves through this work. They further found that
2024 Workforce Demographics Report
This third study by SMU DataArts analyzing the demographic makeup of the arts and cultural workforce in LA County finds a significant shift toward greater racial and ethnic diversity since 2019, particularly at the leadership level.
Annual report artwork
Civic Art Division annual report for the 2022-23 fiscal year.
Cultural Policy Report Back
The 2022-23 County Wide Cultural Policy Report collectes updates on how the Department of Arts and Culture is implementing the Countywide Cultural Policy.
Civic Art Collection Demographics Study
The Civic Art Demographics Study, a collaboration between Arts and Culture’s Research and Evaluation and Civic Art divisions, is a comprehensive analysis of artworks and artists in the Collection. It is one part of a broader initiative to review Civic Art policies, procedures, commissions, and support for artists. Research consultant Special Service for Groups, Inc. (SSG) conducted the study on behalf of Arts and Culture and prepared the report.
Hurtado Mural Activity Kit
With this activity kit, create a version of "Con Mucho Amor" by Lorenzo Hurtado Segovia with household items like a few sheets of paper and some pens.
Agents of Change Report
This study explores the role that young adult advisory councils (YAACs) can play in helping arts and culture nonprofits address emerging issues, better understand the communities they serve, and achieve their missions. Through interviews with 25 YAAC managers and participants at arts nonprofits across the US, five key themes emerged: