
LA County Releases Open Source Design Resource to Spur New Affordable Housing Free Publication on Accessory Dwelling Units to Inspire New Housing Typology in the Effort to Combat and Prevent Homelessness
A Place We Call Home: East of La Cienega and South of Stocker
Some Place Chronicles is a series of five creative placemaking projects set in five unincorporated communities in the Second District of Los Angeles County. Numerous and varied engagements with the people who live and work in these communities have culminated in five unique books—each containing explorations, documentations, and pragmatic and poetic testimonies of what has been and dreams of what might be—created by five different artists/collectives. The chronicle of Ladera Heights, View Park, and Windsor Hills—A Place We Call Home: East of La Cienega and South of Stocker—is authored by Sandy Rodriguez and Isabelle Lutterodt, working together as Studio 75.
Community Impact Arts Grant (CIAG) Application Window Open Until December 19, 2018 Funding Opportunity for Nonprofit Organizations Using the Arts to Serve Constituents
Hot Off the Presses: "Yestermorrow: Llano"
The Antelope Valley Artist Outpost continues with the release of Yestermorrow: Llano—An Artist's Field Guide to Llano, California.
Two LA County Civic Art Projects recognized by AFTA
Two LA County Civic Art Projects recognized by American for the Arts
Someplace Chronicles
Some Place Chronicles is a creative placemaking project that features the people, histories and cultures of East Rancho Dominguez, Florence-Firestone, Lennox and Ladera Heights/View Park/Windsor Hills.
Artist in Residence at MLK Hospital: Evaluation and Lessons Learned
Artist Sandy Rodriguez was placed as an artist in residence at the Recuperative Care Center at the Martin Luther King Medical Campus in Willowbrook, CA, in 2016/17. This residency was part of a $1.6 million investment in Civic Art funded through the LA County Percent for Art policy. A final evaluation report on the residency is available now.
Recent research has found that across the US, arts audiences are declining, while arts participation is on the rise. How can both be true at the same time? This review of the literature on Public Engagement in the Arts explores this question.
Link to CEII Lit Review Webpagee
This literature review provides background information on how others have addressed how to improve diversity, cultural equity, and inclusion in the arts and culture sector, with a particular focus on boards of directors, the arts and culture workforce, audiences and programming, and culturally specific arts organizations.