Artist Name
Salt Water Midwife, 2021, Digital collage
The Salt Water Midwife depicts an icon of the Mami Wata spirit that exists within traditional wisdom keepers of Black midwives in Los Angeles. Artist Cindy Bonaparte’s maternal grandmother brought this knowledge with her from the South, arriving in Los Angeles during the Great Migration. Bonaparte’s paternal grandmother immigrated from Haiti to Los Angeles. Both grandmothers share similar postpartum practices. This piece brings together imagery of the South and Haiti to represent the Mami Wata spirit carried in the artist’s family line, from their country of origin to Los Angeles through the wisdom of Black Midwives and doulas she has formed relationships with.
The Great Maternal Migration, 2020, Digital collage
The Great Maternal Migration is a digital collage comprised of an archival photo of Black midwives in the South and photos of the artist’s family in Los Angeles. Bonaparte’s maternal grandparents are at the top of the image, surrounded by their children and relatives on both sides. At the bottom of the image are photos of Bonaparte with her mother and siblings, consisting of backgrounds of the neighborhood streets where she lived; feeding birds in Echo Park; the first day of school at Fletcher Drive elementary; and an outing at La Brea Tar Pits. The midwives are shrouded in cowrie shells to elevate them as ancestor midwives and show a lineage of midwifery practices that the artist’s family is returning to.
Biddy Mason Community Altar, 2021, Mixed media
The Biddy Mason Community Altar depicts a community altar built in honor of Los Angeles grand midwife, Biddy Mason. The artwork was part of the Black Sanctity & Trust exhibition, to bring awareness and healing to the Black body through traditional Black midwifery care. A basic altar was constructed with a few candles, a photograph of Biddy Mason, a mat, and a platform. The community of participants coming from different parts of the city, including Black birth workers, were invited to contribute to the building of this site-specific, Los Angeles altar.