
What’s going on? Get the latest news and announcements about Arts and Culture programs and initiatives.

The Los Angeles County Department of Arts and Culture has been recognized with four Achievement Awards from the National Association of Counties (NACo).
On August 4, 2020, the Board of Supervisors will consider a motion that would direct the Chief Executive Officer to identify funding in the Fiscal Year 2020-21 Supplemental Budget to increase the Organizational Grant Program by $3.6M over three years.
Creating Connections: An Arts and Culture Framework and Toolkit establishes standards for arts and culture as core programming across all County parks, and was developed by Creative Strategist Sandra de la Loza.
Five years ago, Los Angeles County Supervisors Hilda L. Solis and Mark Ridley-Thomas introduced a motion, unanimously adopted by the Board of Supervisors, that set the then Arts Commission on a journey to create a framework for advancing cultural equity among the region's arts and culture sector.
Los Angeles County Department of Arts and Culture announced today the opening of the 2020 Arts Internship Program, the 20th anniversary of the nation’s largest paid arts internship program.
Los Angeles County Department of Arts and Culture announces the adoption of the Countywide Cultural Policy by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors, the first policy of its kind in the nation.
View our June, 2020 Newsletter, which includes info on our Creative Strategist Program, a collaborative event for parents, statements on racial injustice, anti-racism resources, and more! View Newsletter
The rapidly evolving situation with COVID-19 (Coronavirus) have necessitated a shift in the timeline and parameters of the 2020 Arts Internship Program.
A message from Kristin Sakoda.
Healing Through Story: A Toolkit on Grassroots Approaches is a resource developed with and for Department of Mental Health staff by artist and LA County Creative Strategist Anu Yadav focusing on the power of story as an arts-based healing process.
This page contains resources for students, parents, and educators who are looking to create at home and explore digital learning resources from local and national arts education hubs.
Online based resources for experiencing art at home.
On Tuesday (March 31, 2020), the Board of Supervisors unanimously approved Supervisor Ridley-Thomas’ motion to proclaim April as Arts Month! In these unprecedented times in which we find ourselves, Arts Month serves as the perfect reminder of just how vital arts, culture, and creativity are to civic life.
LA County Department of Arts and Culture plan advances Board commitment to create more rehabilitative, less punitive, justice system.